6 Real-World Examples of Machine Learning

1. Netflix

In order to give its consumers the greatest experience possible, Netflix employs machine learning in a variety of ways.

Additionally, the business is always gathering a tonne of information, such as ratings, user location, the amount of time spent watching a certain piece of content, if it was added to a list, and even whether a particular piece had been binge-watched.

The machine learning models are then further improved using this data.

Recommendations for Content

Netflix users receive personalised TV and movie suggestions based on their tastes. In order to do this, Netflix implemented a recommendation engine that takes into account previously consumed material, users’ most popular genres, and material seen by viewers with similar inclinations.

Automatic thumbnail generation

Netflix found that a user’s decision to watch anything or not is significantly influenced by the visuals utilised on the explore screen.

In order to develop and present various pictures in accordance with a user’s specific tastes, it employs machine learning. It achieves this by studying a user’s prior content selections and discovering the types of images that are most likely to prompt a click.

These are only two illustrations of how machine learning is used by Netflix on its platform. You may read the company’s research areas blog to find out more about how it is utilised.

2. Airbnb

In order to guarantee consumers can discover what they are searching for fast and to increase conversions, Airbnb employs machine learning. The company has millions of listings in places throughout the world at various price points.

The firm uses machine learning in a variety of ways, and it provides much of information on its engineering blog.

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Classification of Images

Airbnb discovered that several photographs were mislabeled due to the fact that hosts may post images for their units. It implemented an image categorization model that made use of computer vision and deep learning in an effort to improve user experience.

The project’s goal was to group pictures according to various rooms. As a result, Airbnb was able to display listing photographs arranged according to the kind of accommodation and check that the listing adheres to its rules.

It used a modest sample size of labelled images to retrain the ResNet50 image classification neural network. This made it possible for it to appropriately categorise any new or upcoming photographs published to the website.

Search Results

Airbnb used a rating methodology that enhanced search and discovery to provide consumers a personalised experience. Metrics of user involvement, such clicks and reservations, provided the data for this model.

Listings were first sorted by random order, and after that, several characteristics, such as price, quality, and user popularity, were assigned weights inside the model. A listing would appear higher in listings the more weight it had.

3. Spotify

Spotify utilises a number of machine learning algorithms to further transform how audio material is found and enjoyed.


Spotify employs a recommendation system that extrapolates a user’s preferences from a pool of user data. This is because several music genres that large groups of listeners enjoy have a lot in common.

It can accomplish this by creating personalised playlists for users, like Discover Weekly and daily mixes, using statistical techniques.

Further information may then be used to modify these in accordance with user behaviour.

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Spotify has a sizable database to work with thanks to the millions of personal playlists that are also being generated, especially if songs are categorised and labelled with semantic meaning.

This has made it possible for the corporation to suggest tracks to people who share their interest in music. To facilitate music discovery, the machine learning model may recommend songs to users who have similar listening preferences.

Natural Language

Spotify can classify music based on the words used to describe it thanks to the Natural Processing words (NLP) algorithm, which makes it possible for computers to interpret text more accurately than ever before.

It can utilise NLP to classify songs based on the context in which they are found after scraping the web for content about a particular song.

Additionally, this aids recommendation systems by enabling computers to recognise songs or artists that fit in playlists with a similar style.

4. Recognising False News

While AI techniques like machine learning content production may be used to generate misleading material, articles can also be evaluated to see whether they include false information using machine learning models that employ natural language processing.

Machine learning is used by social media sites to identify terms and trends in shared material that can point to the spread of false news and label it appropriately.

5. Health Monitoring

A neural network that was trained on more than 100,000 photos may be used as an example to discriminate between serious and benign skin lesions. When put to the test against human dermatologists, the model was able to correctly identify 95% of skin cancer from the given photos, as opposed to the dermatologists’ 86.6% accuracy rate.

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The model was shown to have a higher sensitivity as it missed less melanomas, and it was continuously trained during the process.

There is optimism that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will combine with human intellect to provide a valuable tool for quicker diagnosis.

Finding anomalies in X-rays or scans and locating crucial markups that might point to an underlying ailment are two other ways image detection is utilised in healthcare.

6. Wildlife Security

An AI system called the Wildlife Security Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security is being used to assess data on poaching activities and develop a patrol route for conservationists to assist stop poaching attempts.

More information is constantly being given to the system, such as trap sites and animal observations, which helps it get wiser.

Patrol teams can locate places where it’s probable that animal thieves will go using predictive analysis.

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